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FtAfKGROI1N3 OF THE. INVENTION The present invention generally relates to a coastal stnicture and a method of its placement. More particularly, the present invention relates to a middle armor block for a coastal structure and a method of placement of its block with a hydraulic stability of a slope surface and an economical construction cost. Generally, the coastal structure, which is located inside harbor or leeward, is to installed under the protection concept for protecting the facility structures from transportation of wave energy. When the coastal structure is constructed for a breakwater or seawall, an under layer of the coastal structure is used a sandy rock for hydraulically stabilizing on the slope surface, and an upper layer of the coastal structure is used an artificial armor units of a coated block, such as a tetrapeod, a dolos, an 15 accropode or a core-lox to role for dissipating wave energy. Specially, for a design method of the breakwater, a rubble mound breaker is widely adopted to install the artificial armor units for the front slope surface. Recently, Caisson adopted a composite type is used for constructing the breakwater. Due to increasing the amount of trades and the size of surface freighters, that So j5 a tendency to construct the breakwater on the deeper water advanced from the coast. Therefore, it is expected to increase the weight of coating materials for protecting the structure against the big waves. For the design of newly developing harbors, it should be considered the severer weather and the bigger waves than the design conditions of the conventional harbor. 25 For protecting the important facilities on the leeward, the design of breakwater or seawall should be considered the design with over 100 years return period. According to the conventional standard design method for a section, in case of constructing a large size of harbor, or a conventional rubble mound breakwater and the seawall, a weight ratio of an upper layer of coating materials and an lower layer of 30 sandy stones would be 1:1/10. (Coastal Engineering Research Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1984, Shore Protection Manual Pg. 7-228) it is possible to provide a demanded weight of the coating materials because the coating materials could be possibly manufactured by an artificial casting. But, it is not easy to provide enough amount of corresponding weight of the under layer of sandy stones because the natural 35 rocks for under layer of sandy stones are usually provided nearby the construction cite.