AI Stakeholder Framework
- May 29, 2023 |
AI in Africa : Framing AI through an African Lens
Development and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in Africa has occurred slowly relative to developed countries. A vibrant AI ecosystem is growing on the continent. Due to the unique geographical, cultural and political nature of the continent, the 4th industrial revolution on the continent is evolving differently from its global counterparts. The motivations for development of AI systems, the parties involved, and the impact of the AI ecosystem on the continent are therefore best analyzed and framed through a unique African lens. This paper seeks to begin this process by developing a conceptual framework to characterize the parties involved in the African AI ecosystem. i.e., the African AI stakeholder. Identification of these stakeholders will aid in determining their interests, responsibilities and accountability and will provide a basis for the development and implementation of an equitable AI ecosystem. It is our goal that this framework, ultimately, be used to guide the contributions from the African AI perspective in global dialogues on ethics, bias, inclusion and similar topics in the AI sphere.
AI Stakeholder Framework Dashboard
AIs popularity on the African continent is fast rising and need for regulation of its dynamic nature ought to be addressed by African stakeholders. In identifying stakeholders in the African AI ecosystem it is crucial to understanding the role of different stakeholders in the ecosystem.
The AI Stakeholder Dashboard is designed to identify stakeholders within the African AI ecosystem by applying the stakeholder framework to existing National AI strategies and foundational laws i.e. Data Protection Laws. Through this, we aim to establish the responsibilities and accountabilities of the identified stakeholders through the three normative claims: Fair economic opportunity, Legitimacy, and political equality and Authenticity.
The dashboard creates an understanding and classification of,
The stakeholder framework based on the normative claims
The stakeholder classification
The Application of the Stakeholder framework derived from, ‘Framing AI through an African Lens
A Mapping of National AI strategies and foundational laws in Africa. This will demonstrate the application of the stakeholder framework by identifying how accountability and responsibility can be attributed to stakeholders as classified within the normative claims.